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★ july 15 2022

July 16, 2024. 5:14PM EST

I'd like to make all my pages mobile accessible, following this document. Though I'd like to encourage people to get off their phones and social media and such, I get that people don't always have a computer. There are four things you want your site to be: 1) Perceivable, 2) Operable, 3) Understandable, and 4) Robust.

Perceivable: To make a site perceivable on mobile devices you may have to reduce the amount of information displayed, compared to the desktop version! People with low visibility or smaller screens will have trouble seeing all the content on a page if a lot is crammed in... You could remove images, create a menu that navigates to information omitted from the page, make the font/buttons larger, hide menus until a button is pressed, put form fieldsabove/below their labels rather than beside them, increasing contrast of text, and so on.

Operable: Sometimes movile devices have pop-up keyboards that hide text fields! Sometimes webpages are too wide or tall, but scrolling is disabled. People with small screens, visual, dexterity, or mobility issues will also benefit from having buttons far enough away from each other so you don't accidentally click the wrong thing.

Understandable: Supporting a variety of aspect ratios and orientations, such as portrait and landscape, is always good practice! Content shouldn't become garbled when you rotate your phone. Keeping orientation consistent and understandable is also important for people who use screen readers, and so are image captions/alt texts. The most important elements of your site should also be visible without having to scroll, and buttons and links should have a clear visual indicator that they are interactable.

Robust: If you have data entry fields, make the keyboard match the data to be entered (i.e. alphabet keyboard vs. numberpad). Try reducing the amount of typing that needs to be done, as well! Use fonts that support zooming, text wrapping, and large font.

All in all, I'd like to do three things to make my site more accessible: layouts that scale with viewport size (including font and image sizes, and removing some content to fit on mobile devices), text that is readable, meaning it has good contrast and is large enough, and image alt-texts.

The effort to make my page more accessible is in the end a selfish one, so that I can access my own site from my own mobile devices. I won't preach to you about how you also have to make your page more accessible, or debate over the moral status of webmasters who decide not to make the sites accessible. I'd like to believe that in the end, most people would make their page more accessible if asked, but don't feel like they have the time to put into it otherwise. All I'll say is that I do feel that at the bare minimum, if you make something for the public to see, you should put at least a little thought into who you accommodate to experience it.

Pages that need a mobile layout: this one! (menu overlaps with text), anime interest page (make containers single-column), misc interests page (elements all overlap vertically), resources page (a mess), webnovel container looks weird on mobile, art page containers overlap. Also should increase the contrast of the text on the home page. Also should go thru and add alt img texts throughout the entire site.
July 12, 2024. 12:24PM EST

I feel like my site is a lot more filled out now!! It makes me really happy ehehehe. I'm in the midst of implementing a sitemap and a little sticker hunt "game" where you can find stamps that are hidden around the site, to sort of encourage people to click around more. I'm also excited to start an art page where I do a couple art prompts/trends that I see online, or just to post cute dollmakers and such... I've also had a lot of fun being more active on neocities and making friends! I've discovered a couple cool webrings, including one that seems to be for French lovers of salad who also happen to have PhDs in computer science only... laissez-moi vous rejoindre, s'il vous plaît? J'adore la salade...

In other news, i've been really busy with work. I was initially struggling to balance work and hobbies and hanging out with other people, but I've sort of realized that if I put my head down and work really hard, I end up finishing my tasks for the week and then I can do the rest without being anxious. For work, I still need to come up with a metrics framework, so I can compare results, and finish implementing my proportions-agnostic data processing. Not that that's anything you have to worry about :3

I wish I had infinite time and money to work on my hobbies and not have to work T^T I'm not asking to be rich or anything like that; sometimes I just get tired of having to work to live lol. I've been sleeping kinda bad lately, too, so that my be contributing to my pessimism. As a wise man once said, "Improve yer eating habits! Rethink yer lifestyle rhythms! Get proper exercise! Follow these three rules! And ye'll have a strong body before ye know it!". Let's all do our best to improve okayyy
June 20, 2024. 10:10AM EST

I have enacted many changes... I'm really excited abt how the resources page came out, too :3. tbh don't really care abt how the blog/creations pages look anymore. They're not exciting, but they look fine and they do their job. Remaining to do is: tbh I don't know what to do with the webnovels page... maybe i could make it like the litera page...
June 17, 2024. 5:15PM EST

HIIIII again :3 I keep working on this site instead of actually working on my research which is soooo bad. It takes a long time to design a good webpage!! I'm not good at coming up with a fun layout AND sticking to a certain color palette!! I think I like my homepage the best because I find both the layout and color palette nice. But take this page for example; I like the pink and purple theme, but I don't like the layout. It's kind of boring... So then I think, what have other people used as layouts for their blogs on Neocities? And I go looking and then i get distracted and forget what I was doing... btw the answer to that is that most people just user their homepage theme for their other pages... I just like to hop around. BUT it would be cute if I made this page pink/purple-kitty themed. Hmmmmm that reminds me of skitty....
The resources page is ugly and the creations page is kind of boring... I could do a blue kitty for creations... the resource page idk, though... I like the pages that look like desktops! Maybe I'll do that, where I have an icon for each link :3 I also want the webnovels page to have a lot of widgets but they're hard to find >.<
I also want to finish the interests page... I think I'll talk about the book I just finished reading, Way of Kings and maybe include some informational content about my writing cataloging system. I haven't been listening to music much, unfortunately, so maybe I leave that page out of it for now :/ Soooo my to do for this site is:
June 13, 2024. 5:54PM EST

I'm back... I got married! I have a job! I don't want this site to fall into disuse, so I think I must reevaluate its purpose. Maybe to share snippets of stories I've written in the webnovels page, to share cool sites in the resources page, and to put the occasional work of art ot music in the creations page. Most importantly, to collect cool graphics and stickers :3 HOWEVER! that doesn't really give me much reason to frequently update this site! (。•́︿•̀。)
I'll have to think about it some more, but I think I may use this page to talk about things that are interesting to me! When I wade thru life i forget many things, including things I once loved... Okayyy. I'm going to go make an interests page now

December 12, 2023. 11:41PM EST

      [ ] Athenaeum puzzle
      [ ] Fix up page themes... they look boring or weird
      [ ] Add webnovel web visualization
      [x] Update art page
      [ ] Make an interests page
      [ ] Add neko for real

August 6, 2023. 3:22PM EST

   Ditched the vegetable theme on the homepage because it was getting boring... haven't done the other pages yet and there are still some leafy greens on the homepage now ;) Will still work on developing the Athenaeum puzzle, but have been very busy. Will start adding a couple new stories just for variety, since I jump projects like no one's business. You can view the old webpage here.
April 27, 2023. 12:01AM EST

   I started journaling in a physical journal so I stopped using this page lol. I think I'll start using it to talk about things I've read, watched, or written, and about updates to this site.
   I had the idea to redo the pages in character as someone that's from the world of a story I've written. I think it would be cool to hide pages and make it similar to exploring the Athenaeum. Since the immediately accesible areas are maintained by this character, a gardener, this page will also soon get a vegetable update like the resource and home pages. [28] Nvm I've decided this is like a meta space. The creations page is staying the same, but I may add a little bit to it to make it seem like a little gazebo area in a garden... If you're coming here for hints on how to find a way into the Athenaeum, I haven't put it in yet! Sorry. Also am currently editing the first release of the WN so that's also not up. Plus idk what vegetable to theme its page with yet.
July 23, 2022. 5:03PM EST

   I tried to go to the store today and was waiting at the bus stop for about 10 minutes, but when the bus came, it just drove past me. It pissed me off so I went home lol I mean I'm leaving in a week, my experiment isn't working, my rent went up $400 without me knowing, and now I don't want to get on the bus ever again.
   Here are the current contents of my kitchen:
      - 1/2 a jug of milk
      - 3/4 a box of cereal
      - 2 cloves of garlic
      - some vegan sausage links
      - some bagels
      - shredded mozzerella
      - 1/4 jar of pasta sauce
      - 2 1/2 boxes of rigatoni
      - 1/2 a box of cheezit party mix
      - some pb & j
      - soy sauce, salt, and pepper
      - tea and honey
      - 10 eggs
      - 3 individually portioned packs of guacamole
      - frozen vegan meatballs
      - mini croissants
      - a very small amount of butter
      - cooking spray
      - 1 fruit cup, 1 gogurt, 1 Reese's
      - a ton of cream cheese
      - 2 1/2 cups rice
   I might be eating a lot of rice and eggs for dinner and pasta for lunch. Today I might just have bagels and guac with an egg because I don't feel like cooking too much.
July 15, 2022. 11:35PM EST

   I felt a lot of things today, but by the time I made this page, I'd already forgotten them. Earlier today I was hot and then cold and then hot and then cold again. I was alone then in a crowd and then alone again. I was bored. I didn't want to go back to school, I wanted to go home, I wanted to stay in place forever, I wanted to make something good or make someone think I was good or something. I have to get a box of pasta and cheese and snacks from the store tomorrow. I went kayaking yesterday with the high schoolers and Alex and Jacob and I felt like I never wanted to go back home. I got annoyed with my brother and then wished he would call me and then kept hearing weird noises in the dark from the rest of my house.
   Sometimes I feel really irritated and left out but I don't think I should. I get random childlish urges or naturally slip into how I used to act and panic and wonder if it's really that impossible to be what I think is myself. I like the kind of person I am when I'm with Jacob and Alex but in part I worry that that's because I'm being selfish and they're just politely taking an interest in me, or are doing it out of boredom. I really like them either way; they're cool and fun and I wanna be like them when I get older. I keep talking like Jacob without realizing it. I remember I saw a post one time about how love echoes and I think it's something like that in both ways; you love something because it reminds you of something else u love and you start to take on the mannerisms of the people you like.
   I made some music as well. It never sounds how I think my style should sound. It sounds simple and cheerful and kind of bland. But it's fun, so who cares? Holy shit I just caught the cockroach that was prowling around my room but its head was sticking out of the jar I trapped it under so I just kept pressing down and decapitated it and it felt so weird and gross and the body AND head kept moving around afterwards. I'm glad it's dead and not alive in a jar on the floor. I hate bugs. People like to wax poetic about lives smaller than ours but I just don't like bugs. I wish I had a cat or something that would eat bugs but I don't know if I could take care of it.
   I should figure out what to put on the right side of this page. I was thinking a picture, or an index of past blog posts. A lot of people on neocities are super artistic, but I'm not, so it's hard to make something look good. What's a cool way to list past posts?