
Cataloguing System

I wrote a lot of (pretty bad) novels in the past, and I rarely used new characters and universes while writing. It was sort of like a reworking of different characters and worlds in different scenarios, an exploration of what new angles would look like. Creative writing has always been my hobby, though now I rarely have time to pursue it.

Because I have so many different stories floating around, all of which are rather badly titled, I started to develop a cataloguing system to label each work, which you may have seen in the webnovels hub. Here's how it works, in a little more detail.

Universe Label

Many of my universes are labelled by their defining characters. For example, the universe label "WC" refers to the stories abouot Wren & co., a group of four high school aged altefel. Not every iteration of characters in this universe have the same powers, personailities, or abilities, but they are versions of the same people. The following is a complete list of Universe Labels and a brief description of each:


Iterations are just labeled by number, in chronological order of when I wrote them. For example, EV-1 is the first work I wrote in the EV universe. I have a more detailed list that I personally keep, but isn't as important for you to know :3